Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rory, Becky and the gang

This past Sunday morning I met up with this awesome family to shoot their family portraits.....and have a few good laughs. I've known Rory, Becky and their family for over a decade now and they are absolutely great. I remember when Rory and Becky got married in La Grange and BA and I had a little fender bender on the way there. ha! Needless to say....we were late.

Now, here they are with 3 precious boys and loving every minute. I loved taking their picture because looking through the viewfinder on my camera I got a glimpse into their daily lives.....and some hilarious pictures. They are busy, busy, busy! :) The twins are a few months older than Avery and Becky and I joke that when they are in high school that there is a possibility that one of them could date Avery...but which one? ha! I'll have blackmail pictures if that day arises. :)

Rory, Becky, Axel, Dax and Dane- Thank you so much for hanging out with me and allowing me to capture a day in your life. I had so much fun with y'all and it was nice getting to visit. I hope you enjoy your sneak peek and I saved a few of my favorites for your gallery. :)

I had such a hard time picking which ones to use for the sneak peek!






Remember when y'all told me what would happen if all the kids looked at the camera at one time? Well it happened to the frame right after the one below this...Say, this one is 989, well 990 it happened and it's a great picture...I'm determined to fix it. :) ha! But I still LOVE this one...




1 comment:

Lynn said...

These are so cool! Those boys are presh! GOOD PICS.

About Me

I love my husband. I love being a mother. I love my family. I love my friends. I love Mexican food. I love chocolate and sodas. I love reality tv. :) I love photography. I love life. I LOVE the Lord.

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